Podcast: Guest Picks


Guest Picks
Guest Picks

The boys were Shanghai’d down in Hilton Head for the week so they decided to crank out another episode with their dear friend Anthony. This time taking us danger close to Joe’s wheelhouse with, Signs.

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Guest Picks
Guest Picks
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

The fellas invite their long-time listener Kevin ‘Lay the Pipe’ Kroger into the studio to review this twist on the horror genre.

Bullet Train

Guest Picks
Guest Picks
Bullet Train

Joined in the booth by local legend Mr. Pichichero, the fellas discuss the wacky action comedy, Bullet Train.

Jingle All The Way

Guest Picks
Guest Picks
Jingle All The Way

The fellas record a special Christmas episode to round out the season. They are joined in the booth by the true fan of Turbo Man, Tony “Two Times”.